Monday, April 22, 2013

0 Consumed Data Volume Telecom Flats Charge And Query

Is actually someone here use T-Mobile? If so, you'll probably know the following problem: At some point in the month you reach an SMS in the telecom and reports that your monthly data volume is used up. Mostly this message is frighteningly early and unexpectedly. Therefore, it can not hurt, the data volume on a regular basis to keep in mind. Since the early 2012's thanks to the speed on option finally possible without major problems. Android is good

consumed data volume

To query the data volume in your T-Mobile data charge you can do by visit the site . There, the actual consumed volume is displayed directly in MegaBytes and your monthly limit. The whole thing is also thanks to an independent update that always can quite reliable. You can access the page by those way so many times as you want, since the traffic is not generated here is purely in your data plan. So worth it then also you can bookmark it for regular visits.

Speed ​​On The site also offers yet another added value if you are in the Call & Surf Mobile and Complete mobile data charge. If you have in a month, the flat rate to very strained, you can from here, the data volume of € 4.95 be reset to zero - and it works even several times a month.

In the current state of my flat, it will last until the first data reset not be long. Have you been acquainted with the speed option on made?


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