Wednesday, August 7, 2013

0 Play Playstation Games On Android Smartphone

Many people are still love their game on playstation, and many of them want to play playstation games on android phone although now maybe playstation is not so popular like in the beginning of 2012. Since the release of the first android smartphone until today the games on it have had an increasingly important role, increasingly improving the quality and performance. Currently the games on Smartphones and tablets are crushing sales of the console.

I think we all played at least once to the Playstation. And from July 25, that we can play on all android phones to high-end and extraordinary efforts by ZodTTD. Now that this playstation emulator for Android named Fpse is available for download from Market, a nice tutorial could be really useful, especially for some people who seem to have difficulty in the configuration.this perfect and more userfriendly

Before start the tutorial maybe you will interest to try this : RPG game for android
Fpse supports various Rom formats including ISO, BIN, IMG, PBP, Z, and EBOO. Most Roms are not currently supportatti ECM format. This tutorial step-by-step explains how you set up Fpse for android
playstation games on android phone


  • Application: download the apk from Market FPse for Android and install it. download fpse from market
  • Bios: download the BIOS file scph1001. paste this url to browser


Here is the tutorial how to install playstation emulator for android smartphone
  1. Upload the BIOS file in your phone, in any folder, I chose externalSD/game/bios/scph1001.bin
  2. Loads the rom of your games on your phone, I chose the externalSD folder/game/ROMs/
  3. Start the emulator.
    - Steps to be executed only the first time:
    Menu key on your Terminal, choose settings-> system-> bios loading-> and select the location where you saved the BIOS, in my case externalSD/game/bios/scph1001.bin, return to the previous menu, go down under and tapped to default config save.

    Steps to run at every boot:
    - Menu key on your Terminal-eject and start a game, it will ask you where to look for it, the folder that you selected previously, in my case externalSD/game/ROMs/
  4. Compatible ROM formats: .bin. nrg Iso .img

Possible problems:
  • If you have problems to load the bios do as follows :
    Load the bios and disable the HLE mode, then tapped to default config save. Upload a game, go into the settings and load the bios again, come back to the game, exit the emulator indented and should work now.
  • If you have problems with the bailouts do as follows:
    Settings menu disabled HLE mode, select the bios right, choose the folder where you want to store saved games (I selected the Save roms) and then RESET, you will see that it will work for sure.
Ok thats it. Now you can enjoy and play playstaion games on android smartphone. Don't forget to share to your friend if you like this article. see you in another android tips and trick.


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