Tuesday, June 11, 2013

0 How To Install Android 4.2 Gmail On Android ICS Device or Higher

From Androidpolice yesterday showed us an exclusive all new Gmail 4.2 feature. So today we will give you the gmail application and tutorial install android 4.2 gmail on android 4.0 or Ice cream sandwich device or with higher android version. Unfortunately, to install and replace the one already you must have root on your phone and a fairly simple procedure.Android is good

Screenshot of Android 4.2 Gmail for ICS

android 4.2 gmail for ics device

Files Needed:
mirror # 1
mirror # 2
Android 4.0 or higher

Tutorial Install android 4.2 Gmail on Android 4.0 device

  1. Download Gmail 4.2
  2. Rename it Gmail2.apk.
  3. Make a Nandroid backup for safety
  4. Delete any version of Gmail:
    - Many people have used Titanium Backup or ROM Toolbox to delete Gmail successfully. If you can you can skip directly to step 6, otherwise continue:
    - To delete Gmail there are usually 2 or 3 copies of the program. One is located in / system / app (original version pre-installed) others may be present in / data / app (and the update of the play store). They are all called "Gmail.apk," or "com.google.android.gm-[number]. Apk," and can be identified by icon gmai.
  5. You may have to also delete the filter. ODEX equal to that found with apk described above, if you have. In general you should not do it but it depends on the type of rom you used, since there different types.
  6. Reboot and install Gmail 4.2
  7. If you can not install the APK normally, you can try the ADB command: adb install Gmail2.apk write.

Note: in the original article specifies that the apk is not signed with the usual key of gmail, but with a different, probably of development and production, then you do NOT update the play store if they were coming updates ... to return to the play version store must uninstall this version BEFORE you download the new

This guide on intall android 4.2 gmail on ics device is obviously suitable for advanced users who know what they do and what they delete. 


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