Monday, May 13, 2013

0 Top 5 Largest Smartphone Vendor In 3rd Quarter 2012

Based on the data and the latest statistics released by IDC (International Data Corporation) , the world mobile phone market grew by 2.4% for the third quarter of 2012 (Q312). A total of 444.5 million units of mobile phone marketed by manufacturers - world phone manufacturers in Q312 compared to 434.1 million units of the same period in 2011. This development is driven by the dominance of Samsung and Apple. Here are the Top 5 World's Largest Smartphone Manufacturer in 2012.

Top 5 Largest Smartphone Manufacturer 2012

Top 5 smartphone vendor in 2012

Based on the data above, the Nokia no longer listed in the Top 5 and an opportunity for vendors such as RIM (Research In Motion), ZTE and HTC to dominate the market. However, Nokia is still felt in second place behind Samsung as the largest producer for the year 2012 (until the third quarter - see data below). As a result of this report concluded that consumers no longer choose the Symbian platform, and they (Nokia) are now in the process of transition from Symbian to Windows Phone platform and to some extent contributed to this situation.

For Samsung, their desire to emerge as the world's largest smartphone manufacturer in 2012 almost a reality after being in second place for the year 2011. For the record, share 31.3% by Samsung for the third quarter of 2012 was the first time that happened since Q409. Improvement in market largely driven by high-end models of their products like the Galaxy SIII .

For Apple, despite the iPhone 5 has been released, their dominance will show significant improvement in the fourth quarter of 2012 as the product has yet to enter most markets in the world.

best smartphone manufacturer on 2012


There is nothing - what I expect other than wait and see if Nokia and RIM (Research In Motion) is able to compete and survive the pressure from competitors - competitors are more aggressive in their efforts to dominate the smartphone world. As a consumer, the existence of the various options is a pleasure and advantage that can not be described with words - words.


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