Before discussing more about how to modify android lockscreen. first prepare the steps and materials that will be used in the custom lockscreen. look great
- Image Application (such as photoshop or other imaging applications)
- Android SDK (how to install you can find in install ADB post )
- Lockscreen Android (for comparison or for edit media here download android lock screen)
- Tools MaxiEdit (how to edit apk file )
- 9-patch ( how to draw nine patch )
In this article, I divide tutorial change android lock screen into two section, basic and advanced, with basic method has no risk to you, but if you fail to edit in advance method can cause bootloop when you fail.
Custom Android Lock screen with basic method
- Choose one of the lock screen that you want to edit
- Download apk lockscreen
- After you get the get apk, decompile the apk using maxiedit
- Find the graphic files, and edit using imaging applications (common graphic files are in the folder "drawable")
- Re Compile the file to be apk file again. then install the apk
- Finish and you can enjoy your new lockscreen.
Custom Lock screen with Advance method
- Backup framework res.apk then move it on your PC
- Edit and decompile framework-res.apk by using MaxiEdit
- Open the folder results decompile framework-res.apk, then find the xml file keyguard_screen_tab_unlock
- Edit the xml file with notepad + + (already available on MaxiEdit)
- Find a line that is writing like below:
<RelativeLayout android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:id="@id/root" android:background="#70000000" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" - Then change to
<RelativeLayout android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:id="@id/root" android:background="@drawable/lockscreen_default" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" - Then save
- Then create a custom png image, adjust the resolution size of your android device (example, 240 x 300 pixel for QVGA), created according to your creations, and then rewrite to lockscreen_default.png
- After done, input the lockscreen_default.png image to the the res-drawable folder / (ldpi-mdpi-hdpi)
- Edit also another image file that you want to change
- Delete the resources.arsc file
- Go into the folder res-layout, remove the file keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml
- Then compile the framework-apk file and make sure there are no errors when compiling
- Perform nandroid backup before you push the framework-res.apk that you have created just in case you failed to edit because it will cause bootloop
- Push the framework-res.apk that you compiled earlier to the system / framework
- When finished push the framework-res.apk , then reboot your android device
- If you are succesfull, then the lockscreen you will become as your creation
- Both the basic and advance way, note DO NOT CHANGE the size of the image resolution, and image extensions (if .Png then your new file extension must be .Png, if .9.Png then your new file must be .9.Png too. To make .9.png you can read the article that I have provided above by using a 9-patch)- Make a backup before you edit using advanced ways
Ok thats for how change and customize your android lock screen. see you in next android latest news
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