Sunday, July 21, 2013

0 Snapseed For Android Now Released For Free

For you that still don't know about snapseed, it is an photo editing application for Apple devices. But Now google has acquired this apps. So now the Snapseed for android smartphone is ready to release for global. Back in September, we have reported that Google had acquired Nik Software, the German startup behind Snapseed, a photo editing app that won Apple's App of the Year in 2011.Android is good

Of course you can also have the photos in Snapseed adjust automatically, but this does not bring much. Who wants to have decent results, which comes with a manual editing of the photos in Snapseed you can do more customize. When editing modes are then available as the straightening and cropping, selective editing certain parameters, tuning targeted shooting or filters to choose from. But then again they have their own settings. You see, in Snapseed have to be incorporated before one can get the most out of your photos.


snapseed for android release

The effects offered by the program to edit the photos are similar to Instagram, but there are many more features that are available and those that characterize each image editing software: In addition to filters, in fact, we can change every aspect of our photos a simple, fast and intuitive. Even novice users will be able to use this program without any difficulties.
For example, we edit photos with filters, set different values ​​of saturation, brightness, and more. The end result is truly spectacular and the only limit is your imagination.
Note, however, another element that characterizes the program: full integration with Google: images can be published directly via a special button on the social network of Google home, using a UI among other things identical to that of Google.
If desired, the images will still be stored in your gallery without uploading them online.

The Release Of Snapseed Android

Google looks like prepare a big strategy in here. Google today rolled out a new product for its social network which is called Communities, an attempt to place the Google+ in relation to Facebook and Twitter. You're not hanging with your friends and family, and you're not listening to a stream of what's happening right now. Instead, Google+ is aiming to be the best online hub to socialize around your interest graph, the people you might know or want to meet who are also into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, on the mountain or maybe on urban farming

picture taken by snapseed app

To this wealth of choices for the Snapseed user as much as possible to present, there is the overlay function. This explained quite simply, how the operation. If you've finally changed his best photos, you can save it, of course. Since Snapseed was indeed acquired by Google, there is now a Google+ connection, on your photo then you can distribute it.

Moreover Snapseed Available for smartphones or tablets with Android Ice Cream Sandwich or older. The Android app is 24MB in size and can be immediately downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Download Snapseed From Playstore


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